06 January 2009

KMITL International Conference on Developing Real-Life Learning Experiences on August 7-8, 2008

The Use of Information Technology of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak Staff

Pakorn LAWAKUL (Ph.D.Candidate) 1)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Ravewan SHINATRAKOOL 2)

Department of Industrial Education, Faculty of Industrial Education
King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Bangkok, Thailand
Email: pakornla@gmail.com
E-mail : ravewans@hotmail.com

The purposes of this research were as follows, to study the level of information technology application, to study the condition, problems, obstacles and suggestions of information technology application by the staff of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak and to compare the levels of problems and obstacles of information technology application by the staff of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak classified by sector.
The samples were 355 staffs of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak.
The data were acquired from questionnaire responses which were compiled and then analyzed by computer application software program for percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.

1. The state of problems and obstructions of using information technology of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak staff were at average level.
2. Compare the levels of problems and obstacles of information technology application by the staff of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak by the testing hypothesis, the opinion of the respondents, classified by sector, were not statistical different in every aspect.

Keywords : Level of Information Technology , Problems and Obstructions of using information technology , Staff

Expecting, the world in next ten years will change enormously according to developing in communication technology, computer and Internet and on that time, all operating systems will be controlled by computer and Internet technology entirely. The influence of those technologies not only changes the world but also communication methods and surviving by the visual system. That would make human beings live more in the visual would. In the future, it is expecting that internet will be influent in:
In 2004, 30% of houses in the world,
In 2006, 30% of economical transactions,
In 2007, 30% of cinemas, games, and including other entertainments purchasing and 30% of all transactions of banking systems conducting,
In 2008, 30% of knowledge and education programs,
In 2010, 30% of printed matters and payments of utilities,
In 2012, operations in rural areas and 30% of elections,
In 2014, 30% of university education systems, and
In 2015, 30% of prescriptions (Julakorn Masatianwong : 2003)

Srida Tonthaarthipanit (2001) told that in 2016, 30% of populations will have a chance to participate with visual technologies in terms of entertainments, games, visual sex, and so on. Furthermore, in many countries, the supporting of IT knowledge will be established by putting in budgets in the education systems.
For Thailand, the education laws-1998 has aimed to use the IT in the education system based on the nation planning, from 2002 to 2516, which has the strategy plans of:
Using IT in the development of entire education system quality and efficiency. All education areas are connected by network systems.
All populations can observe importance and benefits of IT to education systems and those can use IT improving knowledge continuously to gain an advance and happiness. (Office of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education : 2002)
From the reasons above, all participants of education system need to use and improve the IT skills to develop everything.
From the reason how is using in computers important to education systems? This study aims to research the use of IT in Rajamongala University of Technology Lanna Tak for staffs. The outcomes of this study would be used to improve and support the university in IT for improvement of education systems.

1. How does the status of using in IT of RMUTL Tak
2. How is difference of using in IT between teaching staffs and supporting staffs in subdivisions of RMUTL Tak

The perposes of this research were as follows,
1. To study the level of information technology application, to study the condition, problems, obstacles and suggestions of information technology application by the staff of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak.
2. To compare the levels of problems and obstacles of information technology application by the staff of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak classified by sector.

1. This research used the 355 populations of the staffs of RMUTL 355 persons are for total operating staff including 209 persons of teaching staff (Faculty of Engineering , Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts , Faculty of Science and Agricultural , Faculty of Arts and Architecture) and 146 persons of supporting staff (Education Sector and Administrator Sector) who work at Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak,
2. The questionnaires used was created by the researcher of this study, and
3. All data collecting was conducted in summer 2550.

To study the use of Information Technology of Rajamangala University of Technology
Lanna Tak staff. This research the researcher studied all documents from A Study on the Existing Condition, Problems and Need for the Application of Information Technology in KHON KAEN University the research of Nopharat Wannakham (1997)
Independent Variable
1. Level of Information Technology Application
2. Problems and Obstacles auggestions of information technology

Dependent Variable
1. Field of Staff are Teaching Sector and Supporting Sector

All staff who working in a difference sector have the same of a using and problems and obstacles in IT.

Staffs are people who work in RMUTL Tak consisting of Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, Faculty of Science and Agricultural, Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture) and supporting staff (Education Sector and Administration Sector).

Population and Sample
Population; 355 persons are for total operating staff including 209 persons of teaching staff (Faculty of Engineering , Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts , Faculty of Science and Agricultural , Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture) and 146 persons of supporting staff (Education Sector and Administration Sector) who work at Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak.
Sampling group; The sampling group is obtained from the Stratified Random Sampling for 186 persons from teaching staff for 110 persons and supporting staff for 76 persons by using the table of sampling group specification of Krejice and Morgan.

The variable;
Independent variable: Level of information technology application and problems and obstacles of the use of Information Technology of Rajamangala University of Technology
Lanna Tak staff
Dependent variable: Field of Staff are Teaching Field and Supporting Field

Part I General questionnaire by checking list analyze by frequency and percentage.
Part II Questionnaire about The Use of Information Technology of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak Staff analyze by mean and standard deviation as the result of data analysis.
Part III Questionnaire about problems and obstacles of the Use of Information Technology of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak Staff

This research for The Use of Information Technology of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak Staff they were:
Part I: To analyze general data of questionnaire markers by showing frequency
and percentage about questionnaire markers.
it found that there were staff answering questionnaire i.e. 104 males (56%) and 82 females(44%), less than 30 years old(21%), between 30 – 40 years old(42%), between 40 – 50 years old(31%), more than 50 years(6%) , worked here Less than 10 years (33%), 11 – 20 years (48%), and over 20 years(19%) , worked in instruction sector (59%) , support sector (41%) and position administrator in faculty sector (14%) , Administrator in support (9%) , instructor (39%) , staff (38%)

Part II: To analyze the data of The Use of Information Technology of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak Staff. The question is likert’s rating scale by dividing in five levels i.e. very much, much, medium, less and very least.

Part 1 Analyze general information about gender, age , experiences , sector and position of working , type of computer , behavior , frequency , computer knowledge , IT connection in your sector , internet in your sector , e-mail address
• Gender found that male were in 56%
• Age found that between 30 – 40 years olds were in 42%
• Experiences found that between 11 – 20 years were in 48%
• Sector found that instruction sector were in 59%
• Position found that Instructor were in 39%
• Type of computer found that desk top computer were in 50% and lap top computer were in 50%
• Behavior found that use by self were in 89%
• Frequency of use found that everyday were in 91%
• Computer knowledge found that by education were in 60%
• IT connection in your sector found that have were in 60%
• Internet in your sector found that have were in 99%
• E-mail address found that have were in 95%
Part 2 To analyze the data of The Use of Information Technology of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak Staff.
• Teaching and Education service mean 3.45 in each item the medium opinion level
Part 3 Analyze about the problems, obstacles of The Use of Information Technology of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak Staff
• Personal problems and obstacles mean 3.07
• Budget , Material and Infrastructure problems and obstacles mean 3.10
• Management problems and obstacles mean 3.17

Based on the finding of this study, it can be found the problems consisting of:
1. Teaching staffs and supporting staffs should use increasingly IT in creating the online study and the online teaching material2. Teaching staffs and supporting staffs should use IT in creating the diagram and graph for communication.3. Teaching staffs should use IT in preparing the teaching materials and plans.4. All staffs should use IT in the multimedia presentation.

1. Research more about why all staffs use unsuitably enough IT in graphic and multimedia.
2. Encourage staffs to improve IT skills and gain more experience in IT.
3. Research the management plan of the budget to suit the overall system.
4. Research the participating of IT in enhancement of education more effectively.
International Society for Performance Improvement. (2005). What is Human Performance
Technology. Online Available: http://www.ispi.org/
Julakorn Masatianwong. (2003). Thai Student and the Learning for the Future, Midnight
University, Online Available: http://www.midnightuniv.org/
Ministry of Education, Thailand. (2004). National Report. Retrieved September 22,
2006, Online Available : http://www.moe.go.th.
Ministry of Education, Thailand. (2004). Thai English language university level
standards. Retrieved September 18, (2005), from http://www.aecneted.org/ resources
Nopharat Wannakham, (1997). A Study on the Existing Condition, Problems and Need for the
Application of Information Technology in KHON KAEN University.
Office of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education. (2002). The National Statute in
1999 B.E. (Reformed 2002), Bangkok, Prickwan Graphic Limited Company.
Office of Vocational Education. (2005). The Document of Conference in The Development of
Recognition of Prior Learning. Nonthaburi, 15th -17th August 2005.
Prachyanun Ninlapat, (2008). Human Performance Technology in Organization.
Online Available: http://www.edtechno.com
Srida Tonthaarthipanit. (2001). Playing a Safety Internet. Science and Technology
Knowledge Center , National Science and Technology Development Agency.

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